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Technical co-sponsors

4rth International Conference on

Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies
Submitted manuscripts should be formatted according to the template: IEEE paper format. The review version must be in English and not exceed 6 pages of length and Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format (formatted for 8.5x11-inch paper) via the PGSRET2018 EasyChair submission site (Click Here). Submissions must be original contributions that have not been published previously, nor already submitted to other conferences or journals in parallel with this conference.  Submissions must include a title, abstract clarifying the relation of the paper with the topics above, keywords, author(s) and affiliation(s) with postal and e-mail address(es) and phone number(s).The paper must clearly state the problem being addressed, the goal of the work, the results achieved, and the relation to other work.  Paper titles and/or author names cannot be changed and/or added to the papers once papers are submitted to PGSRET2018 for review. Industry papers must be clearly marked as such, so that they can be appropriately reviewed by the program committee. Concerning length and formatting, industry papers must follow the same rules and guidelines as research papers. The Program Committee reserves the right to not review papers that either exceed the length specification or have been submitted or published elsewhere.A paper abstract must be registered on EasyChair by the deadline indicated below.


Submitted papers will be reviewed by the TPC and judged on:
1) Originality, technical correctness, relevance,
2) Innovation, Contribution to Knowledge Base and quality of presentation
3) Objectives, research methods, theoretical and applied focus, outcomes, and potential practical application.

An accepted paper must be presented at the conference venue by one of the authors registered at the full registration rate. Each full registration covers up to two papers authored by the registered author.


1- A 15 minutes time slot will be given for the presentation followed by the question and answer session of 5 minutes.  No time extention will be given. A technical assistant will be provided.
2- Presentations must be prepared in Microsoft Office power point as a single file i.e. compatible with Microsoft Office 2003 or Office 2007.
3- Conference room will have the rostrum, multimedia projector, pointer and microphone.
4- Bring a duplicate copy of your presentation on CD to be used as a backup.
5- Presenatation files must be submitted to the technical assistant on given time before the Technical Session (Note: Schedule will be uploaded on the conference website). Name your file with the last name of the registered author, the day and time of the presentation (e.g. last name_fri _09:15).
6- If you are unable to submit your presentation by the due time as a result of technical difficulties, please email [email protected].
7- Personal laptop computers are allowed. Macintosh computers will not be available.
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